New Year Resolutions

Reading some of the other blogs out there made me think that perhaps I should set some goals for this year too. Even though it’s a little late in the year. And aside from the obvious goal of travelling and living the dream of course.

In no particular order these are my aims for the Year of the Snake (which happens to be my year!)

  • Get fit by committing to regular exercise even while travelling. In the past I’ve gotten a good habit going and feeling quite healthy, then I go on holiday somewhere and just. stop. exercising. I get hideously unfit rather rapidly, then when I get back home, feel too unmotivated to start the regime all over again.
  • Eat better in general. No crazy diets or anything like that. I love my food too much for that! But just simple things like less salt, not saying yes to every biscuit/cake that’s offered, integrating more fruit and veggies into every day, learning to limit my portion size and not eating until I feel sick etc etc.
  • Get some new hobbies and try new things. There are so many things out there that I’ve never tried. Like surfing and stand up paddle boarding. And I’m sure I will just love a lot of those things.
  • Get better at keeping in touch with friends. Something I am terrible at sorry guys!
  • Learn to stay positive even when everything feels like it’s going wrong. There is always a silver lining somewhere.

In a years time I hope I will be able to look back at this post and say NAILED IT. Happy 2013 everyone

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